Exploring the Costs: How Much Does Jaw Surgery Cost in Australia?


Physiognomy or the face structure is often perceived as the mirror of the persona. The jawline, therefore, holds great significance in defining one’s appearance. However, problems in the jaw can have repercussions beyond cosmetics, affecting basic functionalities such as biting, chewing, and speaking. This is where jaw surgery comes into the scene. Popularly known as orthognathic surgery, it aids in amending severe orthodontic issues that cannot be rectified with braces alone.

Delving into the Australian perspective, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare recorded about 22,300 hospitalizations with oral health issues, including jaw surgeries, in the year 2017-2018, underscoring its ubiquitous need. Given the high prevalence, it becomes essential to understand the cost of jaw surgery in Australia to ensure a smooth medical journey without any unexpected financial roadblocks.

Types of Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgery can be categorized into three distinct types based on its purpose and technique.

Corrective Jaw Surgery

This surgery works on ensuring that the jaws align correctly. A misaligned jaw can cause several issues, ranging from difficulty in eating to speaking imposture.

Jaw Reduction Surgery

As the name suggests, this surgery trims down the width of the jaw to enhance the facial aesthetic and balance the facial proportions.

Cosmetic Jaw Surgery

Cosmetic jaw surgery primarily focuses on enhancing the aesthetic proportions of the face by altering the jawline.

The type of surgery required largely depends on the individual’s unique condition, clinician’s diagnosis, and personal expectations.

The Cost of Jaw Surgery in Australia

The cost of the jaw surgery, much like the requirements, can vary widely based on several factors.

Factors contributing to the cost of jaw surgery

The cost of jaw surgery encompasses more than the surgeon’s fee. It also includes:

1. Surgeon’s Fees: Depending on the complexity of the case and the surgeon’s expertise, this can greatly vary.
2. Hospital Charges: The cost for a bed in the hospital and charges for resources like the operation theater can significantly add to the overall charge.
3. Anesthesia Fees: Depending on the length and complexity of the surgery, anesthesia fees can add to the cost.
4. Pre-surgical investigations: This includes charges for the necessary tests and examinations performed before the surgery.
5. Post-surgical Care: This includes the cost of medication, aftercare, and potential follow-up sessions.

Average costs of different types of jaw surgery in Australia

While every case is unique and prices can largely vary, several sources suggest the average costs of the different types of jaw surgeries.

1. Corrective jaw surgery can cost between $20,000 to $40,000.
2. Jaw reduction surgery can cost from $6,500 to $10,000.
3. Cosmetic jaw surgery can vary from $3,500 to $50,000, depending on the complexity and desired results.

These costs are comparative, falling within the same range as the US and UK while being more affordable than countries like China and Korea, given the advanced healthcare facilities in Australia.

Financial Support and Insurance Coverage

Given the hefty cost, insurance coverage can greatly ease the financial load. However, coverage can greatly depend on whether the surgery is deemed cosmetic or medically necessary.

While Medicare does cover some cost of the jaw surgeries deemed necessary, the extent of the coverage depends on the Medicare Benefits Schedule. For individuals without insurance, several payment plans, medical loans, and governmental aids can help manage the financial implications.

How to Choose a Surgeon

The surgeon’s choice can greatly affect your surgical experience and financial implications. It is crucial to consider factors like the surgeon’s expertise, credibility, and track record. A thorough research and consultation are imperative before finalizing a surgeon.

What to Expect After the Surgery

Post-surgery, a recovery period ranging from weeks to months is expected, depending on the surgery. The recovery process also involves some additional costs like prescribed medications, adaptive equipment, and follow-up visits.


Jaw surgery, while being a solution to numerous oral impediments, comes with hefty financial commitments. Therefore, understanding these implications, exploring your options, and seeking professional advice become all the more crucial.


How long does it take to recover from a jaw surgery?

The recovery time for jaw surgery can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the surgery and your body’s healing process.

Are there any long-term side effects of jaw surgery?

While jaw surgery can often lead to significant improvements, it can sometimes cause changes in appearance, difficulty in speaking or eating, and tingling or numbness in the face. A thorough discussion with the surgeon is necessary to understand the potential side effects.

Can I negotiate the cost of my jaw surgery?

While there is usually some room for negotiation, particularly regarding the surgeon’s fee or hospital charges, it is essential to discuss this prospect with your healthcare provider directly.

What can make my jaw surgery cost more than the average price?

Factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, the complexity of the surgery, the need for extra post-surgery supports like special diets or adaptive eating utensils can increase your jaw surgery cost above the average price.

Is a jaw surgery covered under my health insurance?

Coverage for jaw surgery varies widely among insurance providers. It is crucial to directly inquire with your insurance provider to understand if and to what extent they cover jaw surgeries.

What is the success rate of jaw surgeries in Australia?

The success rate of jaw surgeries in Australia is relatively high, with a majority of patients reporting significant improvement in their biting, chewing, speaking abilities, and overall appearance.

Is jaw surgery in Australia cheaper than other countries?

The cost of jaw surgery in Australia can fall within the same range as many developed countries such as the US or UK and may be cheaper than others, depending on the specific type of surgery and healthcare standards in the compared countries.

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