Understanding the Procedure: What is Bilateral Jaw Surgery and Why Might You Need It?


Bilateral jaw surgery is a fascinating topic at the crossroads of medicine and aesthetical enhancement. This procedure can be transformative, both in terms of physical appearance and functionality. For those curious, or perhaps even considering the procedure, this article will guide you through our in-depth exploration of bilateral jaw surgery, from the fundamental concepts to precise surgical procedures, and even outcomes and recovery.

Understanding the Concept of Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a medical procedure that corrects irregularities in the jaw and facial structure. It usually involves the repositioning of the upper and lower jaws to improve their functionality and alignment. The parts that can be impacted during the surgery are the maxilla (upper jaw), the mandible (lower jaw), and in some instances, the chin.

Explanation of Bilateral Jaw Surgery

Bilateral jaw surgery specifically refers to a procedure where both the upper and lower jaws are operated on. The surgeon may opt to reposition both jaws either forwards or backwards, or in some cases, one jaw may be moved forwards while the other is moved backwards. The need for this procedure usually arises when the patient has a severe overbite or underbite, facial asymmetry, or breathing and sleeping issues.

Reasons for Bilateral Jaw Surgery

Medical Reasons

Bilateral jaw surgery is primarily a corrective procedure aimed at rectifying a range of medical conditions. These may include sleep apnea, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, speech impairments, difficulty chewing or swallowing, and chronic pain or discomfort in the jaw or face.

Cosmetic Reasons

In addition to resolving medical issues, bilateral jaw surgery can also serve a cosmetic function. It can dramatically enhance facial aesthetics by balancing facial proportions, aligning the jaws properly, and improving the profile view of the face.

The Process of Bilateral Jaw Surgery

Pre-surgical Procedures and Preparations

The first step toward bilateral jaw surgery involves a thorough evaluation and diagnosis of the patient’s condition. This is typically followed by a pre-surgical orthodontic treatment aimed at aligning the teeth in a manner conducive to surgery.

The Surgery Process

In the operating theatre, general anesthesia is administered before incisions are made inside the mouth. The surgeon then repositions the jaw bones according to the treatment plan and secures them with screws, plates, or wires.

Post-surgery Care and Recovery

The healing process is gradual, with a liquid diet often necessary for several weeks post-surgery. Regular follow-up visits allow your surgeon to monitor your recovery and assess when you are ready to resume normal activities.

Risks and Complications associated with Bilateral Jaw Surgery

While bilateral jaw surgery generally has a high success rate, like any surgical procedure, it does come with its own set of risks. These include infection, blood loss, nerve impairment, relapse, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. Appropriate post-surgical care and adherence to dietary and medication instructions can help manage these risks and potential complications.

Expected Outcomes of Bilateral Jaw Surgery

Patients can anticipate significant physical changes post-surgery. Jaws will be realigned and facial symmetry improved, which can lead to a dramatic change in the patient’s appearance. Similarly, there is an increase in the quality of life due to the resolution of issues like sleep apnea and TMJ disorders.


As we have explored, bilateral jaw surgery is a transformative procedure that can greatly improve both facial aesthetics and essential functions like chewing and speech. It’s a significant intervention that necessitates a period of recovery and adjustment, but the outcomes frequently justify this investment of time and energy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is the ideal candidate for bilateral jaw surgery?

What is the typical recovery time for bilateral jaw surgery?

Are there any long-term effects of the surgery?

How should one prepare for the surgery?

Is bilateral jaw surgery a one-time operation or will it require revision surgeries?

What is the success rate of this surgery?

Popular Surgeons


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