Understanding Your Appearance: How Will I Look After Jaw Surgery?


Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a procedure that corrects abnormalities of the jaw bones and realigns the teeth and jaw to improve the way they work. This article aims to give an in-depth perspective on what to expect concerning your appearance after jaw surgery and how to manage the changes that come with it.

Understanding Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgeries fall into two primary categories: maxillary surgeries (pertaining to the upper jaw) and mandibular surgeries (concerning the lower jaw). They are often conducted for several reasons including correcting a severe overbite or underbite, improving breathing problems associated with obstructions, relieving TMJ pain and discomfort, or as a result of trauma to the area. The procedure usually involves the surgeon making incisions in the jawbones and moving them into the correct position.

Immediate After-Surgery Appearances

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may experience swelling around the jaw area, discoloration, bruising or bandages. Some changes in facial structure are also to be expected, including a shift in the position of the teeth.

Long-Term Physical Changes After Jaw Surgery

In the long run, orthognathic surgery can lead to significant changes in facial appearance. One can expect a noticeable change in their profile due to moving the upper or lower jaw forward or backward. There may be shifts in teeth alignment and possible changes in lip positioning. Changes could also be observed in the way a person smiles or laughs. Another important outcome is the improvement in facial symmetry, leading to a more balanced look.

Psychological Impact of the New Look After Jaw Surgery

Adapting to the new appearance after jaw surgery can take time and may have a significant psychological impact. As with any significant change, it may influence individuals’ self-perception and self-esteem. Dealing with reactions from others can also be challenging. However, most patients report feeling more self-confident and content once they adjust to their new look.

How to Enhance Recovery and Minimize Scarring

Post-operative care plays a crucial role in speeding up recovery and minimizing scarring. This includes adhering to the prescribed medication, practicing good oral hygiene, maintaining a soft food diet initially, and regularly drinking fluids. Moreover, some strategies can be followed to minimize swelling and bruising such as using ice packs and keeping the head elevated.

Case Studies

Legions of success stories can be found where people who underwent jaw surgeries report significant improvements in their quality of life, both physically and emotionally. Taking time to review before and after photos, coupled with stories about their transformative journey, can offer valuable insights to those considering jaw surgery.


Changes to one’s appearance after jaw surgery can be expected, both in the short and long term. While some may find these changes daunting, most patients report positive outcomes – be it improved symmetry, the correction of dental misalignments, or the boosting of self-esteem. Ultimately, knowing what to expect, understanding the recovery process, and employing strategies to minimize scarring can offer the best chances for successful results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will I look drastically different after a jaw surgery?

Yes, significant changes in facial appearance can be expected after jaw surgery. These can include shifting in teeth alignment, lip positioning, and an overall improving balance in the facial structure.

How long until the swelling from my jaw surgery goes down?

Swelling typically decreases significantly within the first month after surgery and continues to subside over the next three months. However, minor swelling may persist for up to a year.

Will the changes to appearance after jaw surgery be permanent?

The changes in facial structure and jaw alignment due to the surgery are permanent. Yet, swelling and bruising are temporary and will fade with time.

How can I deal with the emotional impacts of looking different after jaw surgery?

It may be beneficial to seek professional help such as psychologists or support groups. Speaking with individuals who have undergone similar experiences may also offer valuable insights and coping strategies.

Will jaw surgery change the sound of my voice?

While some patients report a temporary change in voice resonance due to swelling, there is usually no permanent change to voice after the jaw has healed.

What can I expect during the recovery process after jaw surgery?

Patients can expect some pain, swelling, and restricted diet in the initial stages of recovery. Gradually, with the healing process, these symptoms alleviate leading to improved facial structure and function.

Can jaw surgery cause a change in my facial emotions?

While the structure of the face may change, the ability to express emotions should not be affected by jaw surgery.

Are there any steps I can take to reduce scarring after jaw surgery?

Scarring can be minimized by taking care to clean the surgical area as recommended, avoiding sun exposure, and possibly utilising prescribed scar healing creams. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon can also ensure optimal results.

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